Ashok Leyland R&D Centre thrust on global technology

K. Gopalakrishnan

Marking its 60th year celebrations, Ashok Leyland has dedicated its Research and Development Centre which has been set up on the outskirts of Chennai. Ashok Leyland has set a clear mission to offer world-class technology products that is relevant and affordable to Indian and global markets.

The company has undergone a lot of restructuring and re-engineering, particularly in the last five years. From under 30,000 vehicles sold in 2001-02 to over 84,000 vehicles in 2007-08, Ashok Leyland has registered a steady growth year on year and has aggressive growth plans for the future. To enable this growth agenda the company is strengthening its in-house R&D capabilities through higher investments in infrastructure and manpower.

The R&D centre has state-of-the-art facilities, including the six-poster indoor vehicle test facility and the transient cycle engine dynamometer, both being the first of their kind in the Indian commercial vehicle industry.

Ashok Leyland has always been in the forefront of innovation and product development, by introducing technologies and products that have gone on to become industry norms. All this has been achieved through vigorous in-house research and development and by tying up with international technology leaders.

All new vehicles and critical components developed, both by the company and by its vendors, undergo severe endurance and quality tests before they are validated and certified. The technical centre has set up a component testing lab wherein performance and static tests are conducted on all components starting from engine, axles, suspension to seating systems. For cabins - occupant safety test, vibration and crash tests are conducted.

The 6 poster is the first-ever such full vehicle test facility in India for multi-axle vehicles. Used for accelerated test of the complete vehicle for structural fatigue, it can simulate road surfaces recorded anywhere in the world and reduce the product development cycle time.

Apart from testing of components and the vehicle through equipments, rigorous tests are carried out on a comprehensive test track facility (where cobble-stones are calibrated and reset periodically), that replicate the most treacherous landscapes. Vehicle ruggedness and longevity are a prime customer concern, as they directly impact earnings.

With its own comprehensive R&D base, strengthened by collaborations with global technology leaders, Ashok Leyland has established a tradition of technological leadership and a strong reputation for product reliability. The history of the company has been punctuated by a number of technological innovations which have since become industry norms.

Ashok Leyland was the first to introduce three-axled trucks, full-air brakes and a host of innovations like the rear-engine and articulated buses in India, the country’s first CNG bus and the first Hybrid Electric Vehicle.

Ashok Leyland has been increasing its spend on R&D. From Rs. 50 crores five years back, the company invested Rs. 230 crores on R&D and product development last year (2007-08). "The role of R&D is central to fulfilling the company-wide commitment to total customer satisfaction", states Mr. R. Seshasayee, Managing Director, and adds that the increased infrastructural and financial support reflects the company's determination to become self-reliant in R&D.

One of the pioneering efforts by the R&D team is the low-cost semi low-floor bus with front engine developed by Ashok Leyland for State transport corporations like BEST of Mumbai and MTC of Chennai. The world over, low-floor buses have rear-mounted engines. But that adds to both capital and operating costs and does not meet the requirement of transport corporations. The challenge was to retain the engine in front and yet lower the floor height. The ingenious design met this challenge, with a floor height of 860mm – with one step less to climb.

The combination of semi-low floor and front engine is unique and rather difficult to achieve, which Ashok Leyland engineers have done successfully. It is an inexpensive solution that has enhanced both customer comfort and operational efficiency.

Another pioneering effort was the ibus, a feature-filled, low-floor concept bus for the metros. Ashok Leyland created a Cross Functional Team (CFT) comprising 25 engineers from its Young Executive Forum (YEF) and the team was behind the success of the iBUS, which has received overwhelming response.

The most important factor for the success of the Tech Centre is its young team of engineers. Currently it has over 600 engineers which will grow to 1,200 in the next couple of years. Almost 75% of the total workforce are less than 25 years of age.

Says Mr. R.R.G Menon, Executive Director – Product Development, Ashok Leyland: “We have a very young and dynamic team and we have provided all the necessary tools and infrastructure for testing and have also been working with various technical consultants to build up the core skills. We want to make the technical centre the best place to work”.

At 60, Ashok Leyland is going through a period of transformation and aspiring to become a global auto major. The company is working on many new projects, including the JVs with Nissan for LCVs, with Continental for Telematics, Alteams for high pressure die castings and the recently formed Albonair for after-treatment solutions. The R&D centre will play a very crucial role in incorporating all these technologies into Ashok Leyland's future products.