U-Truck - The game changer

- K. Gopalakrishnan
When Ashok Leyland first announced plans to launch a new platform of trucks back in 2008, many in the industry thought it would showcase a Global truck, which will match-up to the European standards, trucks like Daimler, Volvo, Scania or MAN. But that’s not the kind of trucks that would sell in India.

What makes the U-Truck different is its positioning. Instead of building a premium Global Truck, Ashok Leyland has designed and developed a range of trucks which will replace the conventional cowl and chassis versions. The U-Truck is intended for mass market migration from its existing range of products. The price of U-Truck will range from Rs. 14.43 lakhs to Rs. 31.81 lakhs, which is a fully built truck with factory built cabs and load application. This could well be a game-changer for Ashok Leyland.

Mr. R. Seshasayee, Managing Director, Ashok Leyland Ltd., says: “The U-Truck represents a complete change in the platform. From the conventional approach all these years, we have now moved to a platform based vehicle offering, which means a number of products can come out of the same platform. This is going to be a live, dynamic kind of platform where we configure vehicles to suit customer requirements. It is unique as it is going to be configured keeping in mind the application demands of the particular customer we are dealing with”.

The U-Truck platform offers a variety of power train options. Ashok leyland is currently offering the H series of engines, in BS 3 and BS 4 version with power ranging from 160 to 260 hp with common rail system. This is very unique as the H series engine on the one side has common rail system, which is technologically superior, and at the same time it meets the BS3 specifications with an inline mechanical pump. This is the first time that an Indian commercial vehicle in the M&HCV segment is offered with a common rail system, says Mr. Seshasayee.

“That’s a feat that has been accomplished by our product development team, which has been innovative enough to achieve low cost emission standards without compromising on fuel efficiency and at the same time offering a common rail state-of-the-art contemporary engine”, Mr. Seshasayee adds.
Mr. Vinod K. Dasari, , Whole-time Director and Chief Operating Officer, Ashok Leyland says “We have different combinations to specifically deliver the needs of the customer. The U-Truck platform has been beefed up in every conceivable way. We have a stronger front axle, new chassis with higher load capability keeping in mind the over loading conditions in the Indian market. We have provided more sturdy suspension, brake systems and clutch and ensured every conceivable aggregate has been upgraded”.

Mr. Seshasayee says, “The U-Truck is about to completely revolutionize the experience on road. It is not a premium product or a global product meant only for the rich and the famous in the commercial vehicle segment. This is a product for all people, for all customers, for every segment in the market, and that’s why it is a U-Truck. No matter where you are positioned in this market place, you are going to find this an appropriate solution at the right kind of price. We could’ve created a product which is completely different, a world class product at a very high premium price. But that’s not what we set out to do. We wanted make sure that we give the customer, value in terms, durability, reliability, comfort, all at affordable prices”.

“We have been committed to doing this for quite some years. The reason why we have JVs with Nissan, John Deere and others on 50:50 basis is because of what we bring to the table value in terms of innovation. Every little change that has gone into the U-Truck has managed to meet very challenging task in terms of price performance point be it braking system or front axle or chassis, everything has been done in a manner that it produces a new price performance point”, Mr. Seshasayee adds.

Ashok Leyland has launched 10 models from the U-Truck range and another 15 models will be launched from the same platform in the next 18 months. “The U-Truck has been an experience for the company as a whole. What we have done is to change and take the company to a new level by using the opportunity of this launch. We have developed all this in an extremely contemporary process, the GENMOD process, which is Generation Modern or Genetically Modified organization and that process got in at a very early stage, right from customer insights. We had a Japanese guru teach us, how to listen to customers, how to understand his requirements and build them into the product. This is a product which has come out of a new experience, a new process and therefore a new dimension from the organization’s point of view. Alongside we also built on our production and manufacturing capabilities. We have built a contemporary, state-of-the-art facility at Pantnagar packed with lot of innovation”, says Mr. Seshasayee.Ashok Leyland has launched the U-Truck with the G90 cab which will be upgraded to Nextgen Cab in the next couple of years. The company has also developed a new series of Engines, the Neptune Series, which will be BS4 compliant. With the Neptune and H series the company can offer solutions for the BS3 and BS4, with options for both EGR and SCR solution.

The company is expecting to sell 5000 to 6000 units from the U-Truck range this financial year. Initially the trucks will be manufactured at Pantnagar but progressively the trucks and some of the aggregates will be built in Hosur and Ennore as well. “Realistically, in 2011-12 we see both platforms of products co-exist, the new and legacy platform. By 2012-13 we will see complete transformation and by middle of 2012-13 the entire range will be covered by U-Truck”, says Mr. Mr. Rajive Saharia, Executive Director - Marketing, Ashok Leyland
Mr. Seshasayee says, “In our aspirations to becoming Global this is one very important and critical step and more will follow to make ourselves into a truly global and successful organization”.